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Understanding Electric Bike Classes: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Electric Bike Classes: A Comprehensive Guide - TST Ebike


In light of the rising popularity of electric bikes, lawmakers have faced unfamiliar challenges. In 2020, the United States established a clear distinction by categorizing electric bikes separately from motor vehicles. Consequently, eBike classes were introduced to provide manufacturers with guidance on production boundaries and aid consumers in comprehending the unique features offered by each class.

Four primary categories exist: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4; each carrying its own set of regulations outlining maximum speeds and throttle assistance. Now let's delve deeper into these diverse classifications.

-Class 1: Pedal-assist only with a maximum assisted speed of 20 mph(32km/h).

-Class 2: Includes throttle assistance without pedaling requirement.

-Class 3: Pedal-assist with a higher maximum assisted speed of approximately 28 mph(45km/h).

-Class 4: Not considered bicycles, require licensing and insurance, and have more powerful motors exceeding 750W.

Class 1 eBikes:

Class 1 eBikes are pedal-assist only bikes with a maximum assisted speed of 20mph. They do not include a throttle control; you must pedal to engage the motor assistance. These types of eBikes are also known as Pedelecs (pedal electric cycles). The inclusion of these bikes as Class 1 was written into legislation in October 2020 in the United States.

These bikes are great for commuting or recreational riding where you don't want to arrive sweaty but still want some exercise. They can be ridden on certain mountain bike trails and bike paths that were previously off-limits due to their ambiguous motor vehicle status.

Class 2 eBikes:

Class 2 eBikes also have a maximum assisted speed limit of 20mph like Class-1 counterparts but differ by including throttle assistance without pedaling requirement. You can use the throttle alone without engaging pedal power if desired; however, once you start pedaling, both systems work together simultaneously.

These bikes generally resemble Class-1 models but come with an additional handlebar-mounted throttle for easy access when needed.

Examples include TST's Class 2 eBikes, which have a throttle that assists up to 20mph.

Class 3 eBikes:

Class 3 eBikes have a maximum assisted speed of 28mph and must be equipped with a speedometer. They can have both pedal assistance and a throttle; however, the use of the throttle may be restricted depending on state laws. Some states prohibit throttles entirely, while others allow them but limit their use to speeds below the maximum assisted speed.

It's important to note that these bikes are not allowed on bike paths outside the road in certain states. Manufacturers often set limits to throttle speeds (usually at 20mph) for compliance purposes. However, some class-3 eBikes can be adjusted so you can remove or adjust this limit when riding off-road or in areas where higher speeds are permitted.

TST Ebike can unlock speed assist you up to 28 mph.

Class 4 eBikes:

Class 4 e-bikes are not considered bicycles and are treated as motorized vehicles. These bikes have more powerful motors exceeding 750W and can reach speeds above28mph (45km/h). They require licensing and insurance like other motorized vehicles, making them unsuitable for riding on bike lanes or paths. Class 4 e-bikes resemble electric dirt bikes but include pedals.

When choosing an electric bike, you should consider which class suits your needs and comply with local laws pertaining to each class's restrictions.

In Europe, mainly only class 1-type e-bikes are available due to stricter regulations compared to the US market that offers a wider selection of classes one through three. Classes one through three generally fall under street legal categories except for class four because it is prohibited from being used on roads or in bike lanes due to its classification as a motor vehicle.

It's worth noting that even though the US government clarified the e-bike classifications in recent years, some states may still need time before implementing these rules fully – so always consult local legislation for accurate information about where you're allowed to ride your chosen type of electric bicycle.

Safety Considerations and Regulations for E-Bike Classes

E-bikes offer an exciting and convenient mode of transportation, but understanding the regulations that apply to each class of e-bike is essential.

For Class 1 pedal assist electric bikes, riders need to remember that they are still required to pedal in order for the motor to engage. With greater control over speed, you'll be able to better navigate traffic and crowded areas, but as with any other cyclist, it's important to remain aware of your surroundings.

Class 2 throttle-assisted electric bikes provide a different riding experience with the ability to accelerate without pedaling. It's important for riders of these bikes to exercise caution when using the throttle feature, especially in busy areas or on uneven terrain. Always be mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles sharing the road.

Class 3 speed pedelec electric bikes can reach higher speeds than pedal assist models, often up to 28 mph (45 km/h). These faster speeds require even more vigilance from riders as they navigate roads and bike lanes alongside traditional cyclists. Remember that some jurisdictions may require additional licensing or registration for this class of e-bike.

Before purchasing or operating a motor exceeding 750W, make sure you familiarize yourself with local laws in your area before purchasing or operating it. These powerful motors fall into their own category beyond Class 3 restrictions.

Understanding the different classes of electric bikes is essential for choosing the right model that suits your needs while also complying with local regulations. Whether you prefer a gentle pedal-assist ride or crave more power with a throttle-assisted option, always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear such as helmets and following traffic rules applicable in your area.


Understanding the different classes of electric bikes (eB ikes) helps both manufacturers and consumers navigate legal boundaries while enjoying the benefits offered by these innovative modes of transportation. From pedal-assist-only options (class1) providing assistance up to 20 mph,to those offering throttle assistance (class 2) to high-speed models (class3), and off-road powerhouses (class4), there is an eBike suitable for every rider.

So why wait? Grab your helmet and explore all the benefits that electric bikes have to offer! Happy e-biking, and remember to always ride responsibly.

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